Tearing your hair out trying to get your church website up to date?
Tying yourself up in knots trying to get consensus on what content to include?
Dreading that you’re going to just have to do it all over again in a couple of years?
A one-off, affordable solution for a great looking, easy to update, easy to develop church website
brief and effective phone consultation
existing website content and domain name transferred
a simple, beautiful new site optimised for search engines
mobile and iPad friendly
1 hour online training equips you
access to refresher tutorial videos
no ongoing subscription fees
“In my experience as a parish priest and as a bishop, many local churches struggle with developing and maintaining an informative and interesting online presence. Church-connect offers an attractive, accessible and affordable way of creating this vital tool. It could revolutionise the approach to communications in small and medium-sized churches where this sort of resource is like gold-dust.
Please do check out some of our work below. Click on any of the images below to visit sites that we’ve lovingly created.